Ecological assessment and appropriate surveys of the building and adjacent ponds were undertaken on behalf of the owner, to produce a report to assist a planning application for conversion of the barn to residential use. The barn was sold, and the new client wished to develop the building into his family home.
A European Protected Species Mitigation Licence application for great crested newts was made to Natural England and a licence obtained for the client. To ensure that the application was successful and that the developer remained within the law a detailed works schedule, mitigation and enhancement proposals (such as a temporary newt fence, pond management, landscaping and construction of a hibernaculum), an ecological clerk of works programme (to supervise certain aspects of the work) and a post-development monitoring programme were provided.
To comply with planning conditions, advice was given to enable suitable provision for bats and nesting birds, including barn owl within the property.
Location: Herefordshire / Worcestershire border