A local council identified a number of water culverts beneath rural roads that were urgently in need of upgrading due to the roads becoming flooded at periods of high flow. CEC was instructed to undertake an Extended Phase I Survey on each culvert to identify any wildlife issues. These each involved a site visit and a detailed biological records search to obtain information for each local area. Advice was provided on how contractors should undertake works at each culvert in order to minimise impacts on the local environment and wildlife.
Where potential to disturb a European Protected Species (EPS) was identified at a culvert additional surveys were undertaken to ascertain levels of activity. No requirement for EPS Mitigation Licences were identified for the culverts surveyed, however it was deemed appropriate for an experienced and qualified Ecological Clerk of Works to supervise some demolition works to ensure that no protected species, in particular bats, were disturbed.
Location: Monmouthshire