CEC’s work follows relevant standards produced by CIEEM, and British Standard 42020(2013). Specialist surveys follow relevant guidelines produced by SNCOs (e.g. Natural England) and NGOs (e.g. the Bat Conservation Trust).
Site assessment / scoping survey
- Initial site assessment / Ecological assessments
- (Extended) Phase 1 Habitat survey
- Code for Sustainable Homes / BREEAM
Habitat surveys and management
- Phase I and Extended Phase I habitat surveys
- Phase II and III habitat surveys
- National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys
- Restoration, enhancement and creation schemes
- Landscaping and management work and advice
- BS5837 Arboricultural Survey
- Treatment of Invasive Plant Species
Protected and notable species survey
- Bats
- Badgers
- Otters
- Water voles
- Pine marten
- Dormice
- Great crested newts
- Reptiles
- Crayfish
- Birds, including barn owl
- Flora
European Protected Species (EPS) licence applications
- Site assessment and activity surveys
- Preparation of licence applications documentation including Reasoned Statements and Method Statements, with mitigation and enhancement measures
- Liaison with relevant government departments
Supervision of licensed work
- Construction & conversion work
- Demolition
- Tree felling / reduction
- Mitigation and enhancement work
- Temporary and permanent exclusion works
- Site supervision by qualified Ecological Clerk of Works
Post-development monitoring
- Inspection of mitigation measures
- Activity surveys in line with current regulations